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Send a link to your music to the email address below.


Want your music on the radio?  Send us a download link to your music using the email address above so we can hear it and tell us where you're from.  If it's good and catchy with great sound quality, we'll download it for possible airplay on Ultimate Rock Radio, located on your radio dial at WMFO 91.5 FM and LIVE worldwide on the web HERE. The show airs Fridays 11AM to 12 Noon (E.S.T.) USA.  See genres that Ultimate Rock Radio spins below.

We accept digital download links to your music. Wave files are preferred for best sound quality, but if you can't send a wave file, we will accept a 320k MP3 file.

Ultimate Rock Radio spins popular music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and now. Genres include classic rock/pop, alternative rock, power pop, indie rock, power ballads, hard rock, heavy metal pop, local music, international music, hit music, and all your favorites!  It's always different, you never know what you're going to hear.  Sometimes we may make exceptions and play other genres not listed above if the song is catchy.


You can check our playlists HERE.


Original rock with great hooks are highly welcome.  Ultimate Rock Radio accepts and plays music from all over the world. If it's good, original and catchy, it'll most likely get played. Great rock covers also accepted.


Tell us which song(s) you want us to listen to first (optional).  Again, wave files are preferred for best sound quality, but if you can't send a wave file, we will accept a 320k MP3 file.


Important: Make sure the lyrics in your songs are FCC clean.  We have to follow FCC guidelines for FM radio.  If we don't, we could get fined by the FCC or even lose our license to broadcast. So make sure your songs are radio friendly if you want airplay, meaning no swearing in songs!

If your song submission is accepted for airplay on Ultimate Rock Radio, we will let you know by replying to the email you sent to us. If accepted, your song(s) may be played at any time on the show without notice to you, so tune in LIVE and maybe you'll hear it, or you can check Ultimate Rock Radio's playlists HERE to see if your song was played.  We will try and let you know when your song is going to be played on Ultimate Rock Radio, but due to the high number of song submissions we receive, there's no guaranty you'll be notified. 


Also, when submitting your music, always let us know what country you're from,  or city and state if from USA.

Take care and thank you for your submission. We look forward to hearing you on Ultimate Rock Radio.  Located on your radio dial at WMFO 91.5 FM in the greater Boston area, and LIVE 24/7 Worldwide HERE  Fridays at 11AM (E.S.T.) USA.


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